Im taking notes on different facts for my graduation project. These notes will help go towards my propsal to complete the different steps I had planned. Im looking for notes that others would be interested in.
1/7/2010 -developed essential – how does basketball benefit urban communities? -developed 9 foundation question -some notes on each foundation question GOALS -10th foundation question -expand your notes -outline 3-4 foundation questions
Phenonmenon- something experienced: a fact or occurrence that can be observed
Commitment- responsibility: something that takes up time or energy, especially an obligation
Diversity- variety: a variety of something such as opinion, color, or style
Execute- perform action: to complete an action or movement, especially one requiring skill
Diploma- course certificate: a certificate given by a high school, college, university, or professional organization, indicating that somebody has completed a course of education or training and reached the required level of competence
Inspiration- stimulation to do creative work: stimulation for the human mind to creative thought or to the making of art
Amateur- somebody doing something for pleasure: somebody who does something for pleasure rather than payment
Boys & Girls Club- Inspiring and enabling all young people to realize their full potential as productive, responsible, and caring citizens.
Propel- push somebody or something forward: to move or push somebody or something forward
Rigorous- severe: experienced as severe or extreme
Refinement- improvement: an addition or alteration that improves something by making it more sophisticated or effective
Urban- of city: relating to or belonging to a city
Benefit- advantage: something that has a good effect or promotes well-being
Prevention- action that stops something from happening: an action or actions taken to stop somebody from doing something or to stop something from happening
1 comment:
-developed essential – how does basketball benefit urban communities?
-developed 9 foundation question
-some notes on each foundation question
-10th foundation question
-expand your notes
-outline 3-4 foundation questions
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